Reveal The Soul

Spiritual Guidance through
Yoga, Meditation & Self-Inquiry


1:1 Reveal The Soul Mentorship


A transformative journey to to develop Awareness of the nature of who you are & all that limits & restricts this knowing - to let go.To deepen your connection with the divinity that is already you, bringing coherence to the mind & heart through Yoga, Meditation, Self-Inquiry & Breath.


The I AM before you add anything to it.To know oneself as Awareness or Consciousness uncoloured by any content, thought, feeling, emotion or sensation. The unchanging aspect of existence that is never born and never dies. Its nature is happiness, peace & love.

To be here now.To know that the only thing we truly know is that we don’t know anything and enter the mystery of life itself.



One of the greatest illusions & spells we fall under and that we have been conditioned to believe; is that we are separate. I believe where nature is taking us into is one where collectively we will relate in a way that we can not yet fathom with our minds, that we have not seen yet this will be through recognizing our interconnectedness with one another and the world. We will see ourselves in another and them in ourselves.

Everything in life is going through a metamorphosis in one way or another. We see it in nature; a butterfly starting off as a caterpillar, then going into a cocoon to be transformed into a butterfly. Our thoughts, stories, beliefs, emotions, circumstances, experience of life, and body all have the capacity to transform. In the will of the Divine it is already happening for us.


Death & Rebirth

In the very moment something dies, something is reborn - It is one event. Matter can not be destroyed for it can only change in expression or form.Death or a metaphorical death such as Ego Death lifts the veil into the Eternal Self (The Soul) which is beyond death & birth. Here there is a returning to the source of one’s being, which nature is complete peace & liberation."To fear death is to fear life, for they are intertwined and inseparable" - Tibetan Book of the Death

in everything we do we are searching for fulfillment, something to fulfill us & make us feel whole. We search outside of ourselves rather than turn inward to recognize our intrinsic wholeness - that we already are complete.


We often identify ourselves and answer the question of who we are with qualities, titles, characteristics, jobs, what we do, who we are in relation to others. Through practices of Yoga, Meditation & true Self-Inquiry you can come to know your true nature.The truth is you don’t need any of these services as it is the closest aspect to you, but these practices act as a finger pointing in a direction towards your own knowing in a society where we are constantly looking outside of ourselves for the answer.


Yoga Class

The true meaning of Yoga is union. Union of mind, body & soul. Through the varying practices of the 8-limbs of Yoga (Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi) allows us to awaken to the true nature of who we are.These private classes will be tailored to meet you where you are at incorporating more or less of each practice to meet your intention.

  • Understanding the nature of reality & who you are

  • Deepening your connection to yourself & breath

  • Becoming more self-aware

  • On a journey of Self-discovery & fulfillment

  • Allowing more presence in your day to day life

  • Awakening to an unwavering sense of peace within

  • A deep transformation of your life

  • Stay centred throughout many of life’s challenges, changes & experiences


Meditation Guidance

The truest form of Meditation is a practice of complete non-doing. In the experience of this stillness & silence the knowing of our true being is clearly seen & known. Through these 1:1 Meditation Guidance sessions we will strengthen & deepen the knowing of Awareness as Self.In Awareness, there is love, peace & happiness we are seeking no matter the external circumstances of our lives.

1:1 Reveal The Soul Mentorship

You will learn how to

  • Reveal your truest nature & connect with your Divine Self

  • Let go of cycles/patterns that inhibit freedom

  • Be more present

  • Self-awareness

  • Feel peace & happiness in daily life

  • Release stress & anxiety

  • Align with Nature’s rhythm

  • Discover strength in surrender & letting go

What’s Included

  • 2 Private Yoga Classes per week (90 min)

  • 1 Meditation Guidance Session per week (60 min)

  • 1 Check-In/Integration Session per week (60 min)

  • 20 minute Meditation recording (to practice daily)

Practices, Modalities, Methodology

  • Working with a Yama or Niyama (Ethical code)

  • Meditation

  • Asana

  • Self-Inquiry/Contemplation

  • Journalling

  • Breathing/Pranayama

Book a Discovery Call

Wellspring Within

8-Day Yoga & Huachuma Plant Medicine Retreat


The Wellspring Within Retreat is a journey to your Divine Self: the deepest conversation that you can possibly have with Life right now. Through various practices we will deepen our connection to the inner landscape, the phenomenon of life arising within & without and go beyond the content of the mind into our heart & Awareness. We can begin dusting off the debris of what is no longer in alignment with our lives, reveal our true nature and connect to our greatest potential and purpose for our lives. What follows? a life lived with presence, heart & connection, trust & authenticity, flow & ease, inner stability, deeper relationships, simplicity, purpose & aliveness

with Daphne Rose, Brian Beloved, Tramon McZeal

May 5 - 12

Sacred Valley, Peru

8-Day Yoga & Huachuma Retreat

Sacred Valley, Peru

Daphne Rose

Daphne has been guiding others through the practice of Yoga internationally for over 7 years now.She hopes that her own self-study and practice translates as an offering to those who come to her classes. Through her classes you will receive intricate and thoughtful cueing and knowledge of the body to bring it into alignment. Practices are creative, intuitive and gentle yet powerful to allow for transformation, self-inquiry and awareness throughout the practice to remind ourselves of our truest nature.Originally from Vancouver, Canada Daphne has travelled, lived & shared the practice of Yoga & Meditation internationally for the past 7 years mainly in Australia, Montenegro, UK and Peru. In 2019, she was invited to be the Yoga Teacher for back to back retreats and host her own retreats curating a journey at Mahakala Retreats (now known as Tara Retreats) in Montenegro for 8 months.As she felt to go deeper into her own healing and Self-discovery she began to journey with plant medicine specifically Golden Teacher mushrooms in 2020 opening her up to a deeper self-love and understanding of nature, Yoga and the world on a spiritual level.Death is one of her greatest teachers especially after her mom passed over in 2020, which had been the catalyst to journey with the plant medicine Ayahausca which showed her experientially what we may be seeking for through these practices. A deep sense of peace, unconditional fulfillment, knowing of Self, interconnectedness with the universe, love and truth. Everyday is still faced with the challenge to unveil what’s natural (the truth of who we are), but through her offerings she hopes to share this glimpse she has received. During the ceremony she deeply wanted everyone to know this as it’s within everyone.
